
  Seattle, 2018 When I saw Oodie Taliaferro compete, I thought I was hallucinating. But I was seeing the future happen. For years, I thought of competition as an unfortunate box I had to check on the road to credibility. Unfortunate, but immutable, like the weather. I knew a few women who spoke publicly about In Solidarity: Coffee Is For Everyone!

This is the third installment in a Q&A series with Laura Perry. (Link to the first & second installments at the end!) We did this q&a over Instagram DM in Oct 2018, and shared the convo via screenshots.  This installment – about how to research transparency information – ended up being epic, so I split Verifying Transparency Information: DMs with Laura Perry, Pt. 3

Note: Language constantly evolves, and currently I prefer the term ‘value chain’ over ‘supply chain’. The language in this post has been updated to reflect this, and I expect my language to continue to evolve.  This is the second installment in a Q&A series with Laura Perry. (Link to the first installment is at the What is the Coffee Value Chain? DMs with Laura Perry, Pt. 2

This is the first installment in a Q&A series with Laura Perry. (Link to the second installment is at the end!) We did the q&a over Instagram DM in Sept 2018, and shared the convo via screenshots.  The convo is saved in my Instagram highlights, and the full transcript is below (typos and all lol).   What is the C Market? DMs with Laura Perry, Pt. 1

This is Part 4 in a series of educational posts, designed for the consumer and/or folx building a foundation in coffee. I wrote these for work, but you get the uncensored versions here lol. Hope you enjoy!  (Links to all posts in the series at the end) In Botanical Basics, we learned about the coffee Why Is Specialty Coffee Special? Pt 4: OK BUT HOW DO YOU GET THE SEEDS OUT? (Or Coffee Processing 101)

This is Part 3 in a series of educational posts, designed for the consumer and/or folx building a foundation in coffee. I wrote these for work, but you get the uncensored versions here lol. Hope you enjoy! (Links to all posts in the series at the end) From the outside, the distinction between specialty & Ripeness & Picking: Why is Specialty Coffee Special? Pt. 3

This is Part 2 in a series of educational posts, designed for the consumer and/or folx building a foundation in coffee. I wrote these for work, but you get the uncensored versions here lol. Hope you enjoy!  (Links to all posts in the series at the end) PS I wrote this post right after I Botanical Basics: Why is Specialty Coffee Special? Pt. 2

This is Part 1 in a series of educational posts, designed for the consumer and/or folx building a foundation in coffee. I wrote these for work, but you get the uncensored versions here lol. Hope you enjoy! (Links to all posts in the series at the end) You just paid $4 for a coffee at F–k You, Pay Me: Why is Specialty Coffee Special? Pt. 1